Troop 46 Resources for earning rank requirements and merit badges

Sign up for ScoutBook (10 minutes)

You and your Scout can use Scoutbook to keep track of requirements that your Scout has completed for Ranks and Merit Badges, so that you can share this information with your Board of Review or Merit Badge Counselor.

For steps to sign-up, Click Here

Become a Merit Badge Counselor (20 minutes, plus Youth Protection Training)

Scouts work with an adult who is not their parent to earn Merit Badges. 21 Merit Badges are required to gain the rank of Eagle. We can support our Scouts in earning Merit Badges more efficiently by having all parents sign up to be Merit Badge Counselors.

Instructions for how you can get started, Click here

We are a camping-based, boy-led Scout troop from Minneapolis, Minnesota.
When:Troop meetings are currently in person.
Email for details on how to participate.
Where:Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Southwest Minneapolis

4100 Lyndale Avenue South – Minneapolis, MN 55409